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10 Fun Things To Do on Fuerteventura this Summer  

10 Fun Things To Do on Fuerteventura this Summer

Summer, Sun and Surf!


To help you make the most of your Trip to Fuerteventura, we have compiled our Top TEn Activities to do on the island this Summer. 


Summer is the time of perfect weather and mellow waves. Surfing, of course, always tops our list, because who woudn´t want to cruise along mellow rollers in warm water, wearing nothing but a top and boardshorts!? But there´s plenty of other activities to enjoy in and out of the water on our summer island. Here´s is a list of our favourite ten this year (in no particular order). 


1.) Surfing!!!


Our number one, of course, is Surfing. That´s why we are here, after all! Waves in the summer tend to be mellow and small-ish, but still lots of fun and great for learning and improving your technique. A few days of trade winds can also generate decently sized waves on the East Coast.

The beaches can get a bit more crowded than in the spring, but with our courses we try and beat the crowds by going earlier or later than most other surf schools. With the days being long, sunrise or sunset sessions are also an option. Our instructors know a few secret spots that tend to be a lot less crowded too, so you´ll definitely catch your fair share of waves!

The crystal clear turquise water and surfing in boardshorts/bikini are every surfer´s dream. Just make sure you put on plenty of sun screen and your good to go! 💥



2.) Fuerteventura en Música (05/07 – 06/07, Cotillo Lagoons)


Fuerteventura´s biggest music festival takes place at the Cotillo Lagoons the first weekend in July. People come from all over the Canary Islands for a crazy weekend of camping, barbecueing, dancing and live music. There´s shuttle buses from Corralejo to the festival grounds and back.



3.) Wind- and Kitesurfing World Cup (19/07 – 03/08 Sotavento)


For the 34th time in a row, Sotavento in the south of Fuerteventura turns into the world capital of wind and kite surfing for two weeks in the summer.

The Fuerteventura stint of the tour is famous for being a very open and relaxed affair. Whereas other events on the tour might have VIP zones and strict separation between competitors´ areas and the public, here things are a lot more open and you might run into the pros on the beach or while getting a drink at one of the beach bars. Out of the water it is all very easygoing and mellow. When the competition is on though, you can see the worlds finest kite and wind surfers going head to head and give 100% for the title!

If you are not familiar with kite and windsurfing yet, we recommend to watch the freestyle events to see spectacular airs and wave rides.

Admission is free and there´s several tents for refreshments and food which turn into party areas at night.



4.) Stargazing & Shooting Stars (August)


With large parts of the island being rural and remote and the summer skies usually being clear, Fuerteventura is a great place to head out from the light polluted city areas and get an awesome view of the night skies. Stars by night (http://starsbynight.es/) offer guided tours of the milky way, but you can also head out on your own.

From mid July to mid August, the Perseid meteor shower will be visible, with activity peaking on the 13th of August with lots of shooting stars crossing the night sky.


Pro tip: Find a remote surf spot to camp at, jump in for a sundowner session, have a BBQ (where permitted), then lean back on your blanket and watch the shooting stars (and make a wish for good waves the next morning).



5.) Fuertebike (07/09)


For those who like to ride their bikes as well as their surf boards, this cross country bike race is the highlight of the year. Hundreds of participants come to Corralejo from all over Fuerteventura to join in the fun. Start and finish are in Corralejo and the route leads across the North Shore and through the scenic back country, across volcanos, canyons and the islands signature “martian” landscapes.

There´s a marathon distance (80km) for the pros and a half marathon (50km) for those in it mainly for the fun.



6.) Fiesta del Agua (August, El Cotillo)


One day in August, the entire town center of El Cotillo is turned into a party zone. There´s live Djs, food and drinks and plenty of water based fun and games, so don´t wear your best shirt. Or better yet – don´t wear any shirt at all. <smiley emojy, water splashing emoji>



7.) SUPing Waikiki Bay (Any day, Corralejo)


The bay of Corralejo – a popular surf spot in winter time – will mostly be flat this time of the year, but that doesn´t mean we can´t enjoy it for a good time on the water. Just rent a SUP board at one of the shops on the beach and paddle out over crystal clear water under sunny skies. It´s a great workout and lots of fun. And if you are lucky, you might even get to see the occasional stingray or turtle.



8.) Visiting Lobos Lagoon (Any day, boats from Corralejo)


Going over to Lobos island on the glass bottom boat or one of the many water taxis is already a bit of an adventure in itself. The island is well worth visiting too, of course. You can take a walk around the island (ca. 2 hours) or hike up the volcano. If you prefer to take it easy, there is a beautiful beach (“Concha Playa”) only a few minutes from the ferry landing. Don´t miss the lagoon in the island´s only village! It is sheltered from waves and wind and great for snorkeling or just to snap some awesome pictures. The summer light turns the water in all kinds of shades of blue and green and turquise. You will not be disappointed!

There´s also one small and simple restaurant in the village that offers excellent fresh fish and paella. If you plan on eating there, make sure to pre-order when you arrive on the island before going for your other activities, as there is limited availability.

A half day is usually enough for Lobos. If you want to make a full day out of it, you can book boat tours in the harbour that will include additional activities, such as SUP, snorkelling, fishing or a cruise around the island.


Pro tip: The entire island of Los Lobos is a natural park and entry is limited to 200 persons per day. Pre-book your trip to make sure you get a spot.



9.) Watching the sun rise/set over the ocean


This is one for nature lovers and romantics. If you´ve never seen a sunrise or sunset over the ocean, you don´t know what you are missing! The sunrise on the east coast can be seen from Corralejo, or you put in a few minutes of hiking and head into the natural park of the sand dunes or to the beaches. Make sure that you are there at first light, to observe the changes in color as the sun rises out of the sea and sets the sky and the sea on fire in tones of purple, yellow, red and orange.

If you are not one for getting up early or if you simply can´t get enough, just head over to the west coast of the island in the evening (less than 20 minutes by car) to watch the sun set. There´s some beautiful beaches there as well or you can head to one of the towns and have dinner at a nice sea view restaurant. At the harbour of El Cotillo or in the small cliffside town of Los Molinos, for example, you´ll find excellent restaurants where you can dig into some tapas, local fish or paella while the heavenly orb dips into the ocean. Add to that a nice glass of Canarian wine and you´ll have the perfect finish to your island day.



10.) Whale and Dolphin Watching


Being a volcanic archipelago, the ocean floor drops off quite steeply around and between the Canary Islands and there´s all kinds of marine life in those deep waters. Dolphins and whales are a fairly common sight once you get a bit further out off the coast. Tours can be booked all year around, but the summer with clear skies and clear water offers the best chances to get a clear view of these marine mammels.

Tours can be booked in the harbour and most operators will pick the days with the best weather to maximize your chance of actually seeing some marine wildlife.



Honorable mention: Have some delicious ice cream at Secreto del Sur (http://secretoenergy.com/)

Not an activity per se, but summer time is ice cream time, after all! And there´s no better place on the island to enjoy a cup or cone of the delicious cold treat than Secreto del Sur. They offer excellent organic coffee as well as artisanal pies, cakes and sandwiches and of course a wide variety of home made ice creams, from the classics like vanilla, chocolate and creamy strawberry to more creative flavours. If you want to try something new, go for local specialties like Gofio-Banana or Goat´s Milk. And if you need to recharge your batteries after a long surf, have some Acai-Guarana or Guayaba-Mate Energy Ice Cream. All ice creams and snacks are made from natural ingredients with athletes in mind, so it is THE place to enjoy a healthy snack after surfing and to hang out with local surfers and travelling sportspeople alike.

05.07.2019 /Categories: activities, summer, surfing
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